Sober Island Hike

What a wonderful Saturday Hike!
This has been a long hard winter and finally we had a glimpse of spring on our hike to Sober Island.
I belong to a 'Meetup' Group here in Halifax and 35 or so enthusiastic hikers/birders/photographers joined up yesterday for a drive and hike to Sober Island. We met Gladys Westhaver , a local, who related the tale of how the island got it's name.  It seems that a boat load of fishermen got stuck and landed on the island and in an attempt to make the best of a bad situation, drank themselves silly and fell into a  stupor. When morning came, they realized they had all been a bit tipsy, but left the island in a sober state.
At any rate, the island today is just as magical as I imagine it must have been in days of old. In keeping with Maritime tradition, we started out in foggy conditions….

There were lots of photogenic opportunities….

Then the fog lifted as the day warmed up and we grabbed a quick bite and ventured on to our second hike of the day…
What a difference it made to the photographers in our midst!
