It's almost the end of February, but for the last two weeks it has felt to me like March. The air smells fresh, as if something special is brewing. Even my hellebores are blooming, which is a little sad because I'm sure there is still a bit of winter lurking around the corner and I hope they survive their bold early foray into my garden.

I've had a difficult time restraining myself from a spring clean-up, so decided to give in to it. I've raked the beds of their damp cover of leaves and clipped a few branches of forsythia to force indoors.
Yesterday I washed all of the lower floor windows inside and out and laundered and hung the sheets and pillow cases to line dry. There's almost nothing better than lying in bed at night in fresh sheets that hint of the outdoors.
My jars of sea glass now have crystal clear windows in which to showcase their gem-like colours. The paper whites - a gift from a student - continue to waft their unique aroma through my dining room.  Odd to think that to some, the scent is unpleasant....

A friend came for supper last night and decided to stay over. We giggled like little girls as we watched James Cordon doing ride-along Karaoke with the likes of Adele, Chris Martin, Justin Bieber and Sia. Of course we sang along too!! If you haven't watched any, check them out on Youtube.

Bye for now, dinner's almost ready!!
