Here I go....
I have to depart this great city shortly.  I'm sitting in Rebecca's high-rise apartment looking into the downtown core and the North Shore Mountains beyond. Today has been the first really spring-like day in terms of sun and mild breezes.  I walked about ten blocks in just mid-sleeves and a down vest to join the family for a final late lunch at The Keg at Dunsmuir.  What a beautiful setting; the restaurant takes up two floors with dark wood accents and glass panels. I chose soft (raw) tuna tacos and caesar salad, which was a perfect size for lunch - filling enough to keep me going for a few hours and perhaps even tide me over on the red eye flight.

Yesterday I did a mountain hike in a magical fern laden forest before stopping for coffee at Delaney's in Dundarave.

I'm trying to format those photos which were sent from my friend's phone, so will post later.

So many adventures, plenty of great conversations, oodles of ambience, tons of topics of discussion, enormous mountains, cloud, fog, rain, sun, chatting passersby, .....
such a vibrant city and one which I feel so happy to be immersed in again.
Ciao for now, xo
