Hi my friends,
It's been a bit of an adjustment arriving back to snow 'fluffiness' here in Nova Scotia after wandering around on foot for ages in Vancouver with no hint of the white stuff.
I managed to rustle up some refuse to donate to the biweekly garbage collection. Thank goodness I put my bin out last night, because I woke up this morning at 11:55!!!  I guess my admonishments of "I never suffer from jet-lag" have finally proven me wrong.  Although, I could blame it on the wine that my friend Janet and I shared last night while watching a downloaded version of "Brooklyn".
Here is a reminder of what I might be indulging in, if I were still in "western territory".
A spa indulgence at Wedgewood, courtesy of a best friend, left me feeling rejuvenated and pampered to the nth degree!! It also is one of my favourite spots to sit and enjoy jazz music of an evening. 

The day before, Karen and I had gone beach combing - one of my indulgent pastimes. Here is a sample of what filled my pockets...

I have jars of glass on my window ledge that are colour-themed. My students love looking at them when they are either trying to avoid their writing assignments or else are trying to become inspired. It helps that there are multiple bird feeders that are visible from my dining table on which we work. The bluejays have a harsh cry and are quite aggressive. The chickadees are winsome and clever. The cardinals have been singing their beautiful unique calls over the last few days; (only the males are red; so handsome!!) and the sparrows are still abundant.  Deer droppings are ever present, although they can't reach the bird feeders that I have hung, nor can the squirrels...they are such a nuisance.

Signing off with waves of love to all who are reading this....


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