Saturday. West coast weekend. The city is alive!!
I wandered over to Dunn's on Seymour to meet a special relative for lunch.
Stevie is an adult autistic who LOVES to eat and this is one of his regular spots.  He ordered an 8 ounce medium/juicy cut smoked meat on rye with yellow mustard and a side of fries. Orange soda was served, as per usual, "with the meal".  In days gone by he was strictly a diet coke man, but I guess everyone has their moments of change. I tried the smoked meat grilled cheese and felt obliged to try a side order of latkes with sour cream; greasy and crispy. Mmmm.
After lunch, I wandered along Granville St, which had been closed to traffic for two blocks for
Celticfest. There were vendors and music and I spotted these dancers/gymnasts with beige body skins, which made them appear naked. The blue hair was a real visual grab.
Yesterday was a day to wander through Chinatown and Gastown.

A slice of Flying wedge pizza at the library kept me going until dinner. The "wedgie" of the day featured tomatoes, cheese, onion, honey, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds and pepitas. I ate half of it before I remembered to take a photo, oops!

Last night a friend and I attended a concert at St. Andrew's Wesley Church featuring the Vancouver Welsh Men's Choir, the De Danaan Irish dancers, piper Tim Fanning and Ballyhooley.... all very enjoyable!!

Looking forward to more adventures.......
