Vancouver - and the weekend beckons. Celtic Fest is on with free concerts downtown tomorrow and a parade on Sunday. Tonight I'm heading to St. Andrew's Wesley Church to experience and evening of song and dance featuring the Vancouver Welsh Men's Choir with De Danaan Irish Dancers, piper Tim Fanning & Ballyhooley. 
Yesterday, a friend and I braved the blustery aftermath of a wind storm to beachcomb at one of my favourite locations in West Van. We came home with pocketsful of treasured sea glass! 

Later Alex and I grabbed a quick bite at The Bakery in Dundarave before heading to her new apartment to sew curtains and order foam for a bench cushion. The day before we were able to take advantage of a closing out sale at Fabricland and purchased coordinating fabrics for curtains and seat cushion covering. 

It's sad to see the store is closing -I've spent many hours in there as the only sewing supply source on the North Shore.  
Everything changes, I guess.

More to come.....
