New Work Digs...

Following on my previous post - I mentioned that there were some good things that happened and some not-so-good things.

One of the unfortunate things that happened this summer was that I was told that my job had been downsized to two afternoons per week. This was a reduction of 50% in my weekly/monthly/yearly hours, so I have to say being "gobsmacked" was a mild way to put it.
Two weeks later, I received an e-mail stating that "because my hours had been reduced below 20 hours per week, I would no longer qualify for medical and dental benefits."


(I think I may have had a bit of a melt down at this point)

Having house guests is a mixed blessing. It enables one to shove aside the mundane and unpleasant for the immediate future, but it does not allow for an all out blubber-fest.

At any rate, I rallied and got myself down to the (despicable, horrible, frustrating,etc.) task of job hunting. Instead of waking up each day rested and joyfully inquiring, "Where would you like to go today?", or "What shall we do for fun?" I would tiptoe into the kitchen, make myself a pot of tea and start looking for jobs online.  It's so different these days. There is no guarantee of an interview for each applicant. Everything is submitted electronically. The goal is to 'sell' yourself on paper and hope that you have entered the magic password(s) to enable you to get to the next level.  It's like playing a video game. If you don't have the technical skills to sell yourself, you are abandoned without even having left the dock.

When I first arrived in Halifax 4 years ago, I submitted almost 70 applications online. I received only two replies and only one led to an interview. I did get the job, but I felt it was only by the skin of my teeth.  (What does that even mean???) Anyway. I was delighted to finally have a steady source of income after trying so hard.

I poured my heart and soul into the position only to be phased out 3 years later due to a newly hired supervisor wanting to create a new position and bring in her friend.


I still am learning how to play the game, but am getting too long in the tooth for it. (Again, where do these idioms come from?)

Back to the positive side..........

With help from my dear sister, I fashioned a killer resume and was able to land a position in an exemplary school, where I feel like I can make a valuable contribution.

This week I met the students I will be working with and learning from for the upcoming school year and I hope to share more of my adventures with you.
Here are some recent snaps of the outside "play " area and a tiny salamander we found...

I love how the outdoor space has been utilized creatively.  
I have a feeling that this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!
