Here we go again...
This past summer was full of surprises, both welcome and not so much.

My mother and sister came for a short visit and ended up staying for ten weeks. They fell in love with my idyllic garden tucked away from the clamour and bustle of the city only ten minutes away by car.
The weather was most cooperative, in fact I think I only recall three rainy days all summer, which was very atypical. My uncle, who hails from Nottingham, UK, joined us for two weeks, and was delighted to be able to soak up the sun almost every day. In fact the day he left was the first rain we had seen for several weeks!

Chris and I planted some flowers and beans, rather late, but they still bloomed and added to the ambiance.  We were also grace with the presence of a friendly doe looking for berries and seeds. She became a frequent visitor and Mum was dubbed "The Deer Whisperer" after this photo was taken...

We also had lots of chattering squirrels, and plenty of birds (Blue Jays, Juncoes, Chickadees, Finches and Mourning Doves) at the feeders over the summer. The only evidence of raccoons was the overturned garbage bin, (I had to clean up the mess twice!), which I had to finally replace with one with a secure lid. The only other pests from last year (fire ants, ugh!!) have dwindled to a manageable few. So all in all a delightful gathering of fauna. 
In a surprising twist, I was also asked to cat-sit three times this summer. I made good friends with Blackie, Loki, and Lucy, my most frequent visitor, still.
(Don't tell anyone that I occasionally give kitty treats, and so does Mum!)

Well, I hope  your summer has included some heartfelt happenings and meaningful moments with loved ones. More to follow about my new work environment.......Cheers for now! xoxo
