2017 - A year of tens?

I'm caught in a spiral of introspection lately; thankfully, most of the thoughts bubbling to the surface of my consciousness are positive. Then there are the silly ones...
I don't believe in numerology, but now and again sensibility takes a break and I play with the numbers in my world. I live at number 25, which is also an uncle's birthday, my cousin's son's birthday, her anniversary and it was my Grandad's birthday. Of course, there is no end to "reading messages" into random occurrences like this, which is where the number 10 popped up. If you add the digits of this year you get to ten. Symbolically, ten is associated with perfection. It also is the common basis of our mathematics.

As I reach forward, I am comforted by an unexplainable clarity. Maybe after such a turbulent year, I am finally unsheathed of the negativity and can embrace all that awaits me going onward.

I've had the luxury of some 'spare' time of late, so will share some photos that capture memories from the past few months.
Working backwards, because...why not?
While in Kingston over the Christmas break, we took a drive late one afternoon to Napanee to see the main street all lit up in festive splendour:

It really was a spectacle and obviously all the merchants participated in the vision.

Another day I went for a stroll outside Mum's apartment and along to Lake Ontario Park. There were chunks of ice at the shoreline and geese and ducks galore.

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So serene......
We had a lovely several days together and were able to see Mum settling in to a retirement residence. Here she is holding a card from Alexandra.  

Every fall in Halifax there is an arts evening where there are all sorts of installations set up in the downtown core. It's called 'Nocturne'. This was one building that displayed a huge mural using individual windows to make up the components. It's always inspiring to wander around taking in all the imaginative displays.

At Thanksgiving, I was delighted to get together with all three daughters, my sister, brother and mother for the first time in years!  

 We wandered, visited, laughed, ate, shared stories and all the good things being together brings.  This is a building in Yorkville, not far from Madi's place - I thought it was worth a photo....

At the ROM, we saw an amazing exhibit by glass sculptor, Dale Chihuly. His pieces are immensely intricate and startlingly beautiful.

The exhibit is a must-see if it comes to a museum near you!

During the summer break, (I was lucky to have the time off from work - one of the advantages of working in a school),  Mum and Chris came to visit. We did a few outings, including the tiny village of Prospect seen here;
There are so many local scenic hiking trails that one is never at a loss for choice.  In the past, Mum would have charged along, eager to explore, but sadly, her energy these days is all but spent. Still, she did enjoy the vista.
We spent endless days in my garden marvelling at its beauty and watching with keen interest all the birds, squirrels and deer. I call this picture, "Mum, the deer whisperer".

I didn't realize until now that you can spot my reflection in the window...

The fire pit added a touch of atmosphere when the sun dipped down. Of course no fire is complete without a few roasted marshmallows!

Of course no family gathering would be complete without a jigsaw puzzle to work away at!
Lucy, my neighbour's cat, had to contribute as well.....

My creative side was not left untapped this year.  I took a painting class with Shelagh and produced this masterpiece...
 (the photo doesn't do it justice)

and dug out some old scraps and began to put together a quilt (still a work in progress)
and deserving a minor mention were a few culinary achievements...

Earlier in the year at the end of May, my friend, Christine, and I visited Nashville.  She was attending a conference and I tagged along. We met in Memphis and "did" Graceland. (I could have easily skipped it, but as she is such a huge Elvis fan, I went along).  We rented a car and drove to Nashville the next day and I did a walking tour while she was attending seminars.  The host was fabulous and very informative.  The building below is the Music Hall of Fame, built to resemble the keys on a piano. On the left, best seen from above, unfortunately, is the shape of a table clef. The next photo is not one I took, but gives a better overall shot.

World famous honky-tonk Tootsie's Orchid Lounge where many country stars got their start,

and no trip to Tennessee would be complete without a whisky distillery tour!

I thoroughly enjoyed the vibe of Nashville and would definitely return there. I've even made space lately in my auditory repertoire for some good ole country music!

Retracing my journey further back into 2016, takes me to March Break and a much needed visit to Vancouver.  I stayed at a guest suite in Rebecca's building - very convenient for downtown access. Heartfelt visits with close friends and delicious dining experiences filled my time there as well as a  few good walks and plenty of R and R. Alex had moved  into a new apartment, so I was able to help with fabric selection and sewing drapes for her living room.  Rather nostalgic to see her using my old sewing machine!

I truly miss Vancouver's early spring with cherry blossoms erupting everywhere...

and herons nesting in Stanley Park

A year very well spent.

More to follow......
