February Flurries....
Maybe having a screen door installed this past summer wasn't the best idea

Digging out from within - a Nova Scotia pastime

What car?

Only thigh deep here..

I guess picnic season has passed...

We were hit by two storms this week; school were closed Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (today).
I lost 7 tutoring sessions as well as a babysitting gig I had lined up for the mornings this week. The silver lining is with all this forced time at home I decided to dig out my collection of special edition quarters and after extensive online research discovered they aren't worth more than face value, so I now have an unexpected $50 I can put in the bank!
(How many more chores can I come up with so I don't have to vacuum?)
Blog, you say?

Thank goodness I had only one day without electricity - it's so lonely without the Internet and radio.
Until next time......
