Just a short note today...

I found myself invigorated by the sunshine this afternoon (after waking from a twelve hour sleep!) The Frog Pond was calling so I ventured along my road - eight minutes or so to the head of the trail yet not two minutes in, I stepped over a log and felt a wrench in my right thigh. I knew immediately that I had strained or pulled one of my hamstring muscles. I deliberated whether to continue or to return the way I had come, but decided in the end to keep going. The trail was slushy.., after all , it is spring at last, but my Blundstone's proved true and I suffered no leaks.  I limped home and promptly lay down with an ice pack for half an hour before my first student was due to arrive for the afternoon.
I kept thinking of how this might have been avoided.  Am I just getting less limber with age? Am I not strong enough anymore? I'm not becoming one of those 'old' people who crawl along through their senior years. am I?

I soldiered on through the rest of the afternoon/evening sessions, using ice periodically, until at last I could devote some attention to my predicament. I popped an anti-inflammatory and made a bite to eat,  then went to bed with a hot water bottle - foregoing ice for heat.

As I recline, now in far less pain, I share this photo with you , which I took on my walk today.  It speaks of the  interesting light at this time of year and of the signs of spring that we all smell just around the bend.
