It's a beautifully mild early evening in April, with crocuses in bloom and hostas and lilies sprouting.
What more could one ask for? There is little, if any, wind, which is always favourable in my book, and I have just lit a fire to burn some of the winter debris that has collected about.

The birds have been frantically flitting about the feeders and pecking at the discarded bits on the ground below. Deer haven't been spotted for a week or so, but their droppings tell of their presence. A few nights ago I heard the distinctive call of a barred owl, so my fingers are crossed that they continue to make their presence known. These are the nights that I live for.  The peace of nature surrounding me, the closeness of friends in my mind, the serenity of love in my soul and the knowledge that the world is not always a lonely place.

My girls have been traveling to Santiago, Chile, to visit the Atacama Desert. How lucky are they??
I believe tomorrow, they begin the trek to Machu Picchu with Max. I really envy the adventures they have together.  In my next life, or when I win the lottery, things might change.....

Tonight, I'll join a few friends at the monthly Trivia night at the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron.
It's the kind of life I used to live and miss a great deal, but at least I can still participate at a distance.
Halifax is such a small place. I just chatted with my neighbour and it turns out we have several acquaintances in common!  I love that about this place. I never feel as if I am all alone.

Anyway, time to put more fuel on the fire, before cramming my head full of trivial nonsense.

More to come.....
