Road Trip continued.....

Hi again,
There were so many things to write about that I thought I would break the post into sections.

One of the first things I experienced on arrival in PEI was a bird call that I hadn't heard before.  It turned out to be an osprey with a nest on a post near the first tourist lighthouse we stopped at. I was mesmerized by it's call and the fact that it flew around for a few minutes trying to scare away all the tourists trying to approach beneath the nest for photos. I can't really blame it. I tried my best with the zoom, but I think you can still make it out. 

We arrived at Susan and Tim's and it was like always......coming home to old friends. They have a lovely property with out buildings and fruit trees, garden plots and just plain warm hospitality. I always get great ideas like this gift her grandchildren made for them one year..
It's hard to see, but it's a series of clothespins painted like a keyboard and Susan uses it for wet mittens and socks in the winter or for drying bunches of herbs in season. Isn't it fabulous?
Here is part of our meal that night; Roasted mixed potatoes and pork loin with a dessert of rhubarb crumble, all done on the bbq and salad (not done on the bbq)

On Sunday we all decided to drive to Cavendish Beach to take advantage of the free year of admission fees to Canada's National Parks. I hadn't remembered all the reddish rocks strewn along the beach and stubbed my toes a couple of times while looking at the views!

After that it was a late lunch, then a drive to pick up lobster and bread before driving to Grace and David's place in Alberton for supper.

The dinner was follwed by dessert and then a whisky tasting for all but a couple of us who unfortunately don't have the palate for it.  These were the samples:
I took notes and left them with David as they wouldn't be much use to me!
I think everyone came up with a favourite by the end of the night!!

We hated to leave in the morning after visiting with all the cats and the dog, Strider, but we had places to go and things to do.....
