Summer Road Trip

"...let nature be your teacher..." William Wordsworth

It's true that nature has the capacity to nurture, to heal, to inspire, to comfort, to invigorate and so much more. It's bounty is endless, which is why I feel so blessed to live surrounded by all of these possibilities each day.

Even at the end of the street, I can walk or sit by the Northwest Arm off the Atlantic ocean and imagine what lies beyond...

I returned last week from a road trip to Ontario, via PEI and Quebec City with Christina. We shared some quality sister moments and hardly any hair pulling!! 
It was so wonderful to visit close friends Susan (who I've known since High School) and husband Tim, and Grace (who is my longest friend - we met in Germany as Army Brats at age 8!) with her husband David.  
The first night was spent at Susan and Tim's picture-book home in Clermont..

The next day's must-do's were strolling along the red stony beach at Cavendish Park 

where I stubbed my bare toes a few times,

then to Grace and David's home in Alberton to share
 a delicious lobster feast!!

I think I've now mastered the fine art of getting the sweet meat out of the resistant shell. Oh so yummy paired with melted butter, potato salad and fresh rolls; nothing better on a summer evening!
In lieu of dessert, a whisky tasting ensued.......though I didn't participate. I guess I'm not a true Maritimer, I just can't bear the taste, so I took the notes instead - all the comments from 'smoky' to 'honey' to 'peaty', etc.

On Monday morning, Chris and I left PEI to head to Riviere du Loup. We spent the night at a motel and early the next morning, caught the ferry across the St. Lawrence to  Saint- Simeon.    
We stopped at a lovely cafe along the way for sustenance.

We passed pastoral panoramas....

and finally arrived in historic Quebec City and checked in at this fabulous hotel located in the heart of the city within walking distance to everything we wanted to see.

 We explored the city that afternoon and later ate an amazing meal and flopped into bed.  Chris even had a personalized pillow on hers!

The next morning we had a quick tea/coffee and kept going, walking and exploring this gem of a city.

 A peek inside an open door revealed this amazing staircase and original stone wall.

We hopped on the 'best ride in town' for $3.00, which took less than a minute, I think.

Shops and more shops....

A restaurant I wanted to try, but my wallet wouldn't permit it...I love the pot-lighting!

Historic  mural...

Chateau Frontenac

An installation by Salvador Dali...
and beautiful shop windows framed by gorgeous flower boxes

I hope to return to this magical city someday!!
