Here I am in fair Ireland.., and how delightful it is to be back after a long eleven years!

Here's a view of Kinsale from above on a local hillside. I plan to return next week with the girls to show them around, and of course share with them some fine dining, which Kinsale is famous for.
Today was finer than yesterday, but I've had plenty of chances to walk and to browse the local shops. The B and B I'm staying at is called Ardara House in St. Luke's, just spitting distance from the Montenotte Hotel where Christine and I made our home for three months in the fall of 2011. Last night I stopped in to Henchy's for a drink and to talk a walk down memory lane.  At the bar were two characters I recognized from all those years ago and was delighted to realize that some things don't change in small villages!  Another favourite pub at that time was the Hi B. It's one of the oldest in Cork and perhaps in Ireland itself.

There is always an eclectic bunch present on a given evening and the night I visited was no different. The former piano player has passed on, but had been replaced by a rag-tag group of locals trying to ply their musical trade to the patrons.

Along the small roadways one comes upon many photogenic opportunities- 

My friend, Michael, and I shared a short picnic here at an old Friary of St. Kevin - indicated by the above four photos.

As my journey continues, I'll keep posting updates and perspectives of this wonderful trip!
