It seems summer has arrived in the space of a few hours - the past few weeks have hinted at double digits, while Mother Nature maintained a single status, as if she was afraid to fully commit. Today as I drove to the last full day of school, I had all the windows in my car opened to inhale and welcome the fresh balmy air I had been longing for. Dare I say, I sensed that hint of humidity and almost, barely almost, had a second of regret of what that might entail, but I soldiered on, although in the back of my mind I was rueing the fact that when my air conditioning unit seized last fall, I cavalierly announced to the mechanic diagnosing the issue, "Go ahead, remove it. I probably won't miss it living here."

Well,  I'm having second thoughts, dare I say.

My garden is wildly green again; seemingly overnight it has exploded into the 50 shades of green about which places like Ireland boast. I'm back donning flip-flops and shorts, no need for winter coverings at last. The summer season here is far shorter than I am used to. By the time the black flies and mosquitoes leave, it will be mid-July, but today it seems the flies have eased off somewhat, thankfully!! I often build a fire outside to keep them away and may do so tonight.., we'll see.
I attended an art show opening last night, manning the food table to help my long-time friend, Shelagh Duffett.  You can see her art here......
She and Tim McGuire have their work on display and for sale until month end at the Chase Gallery in the Halifax Archives. If you haven't visited, it's a lovely little gallery on the campus of Dalhousie University and a short walk from downtown.

This is my current favourite.

Next up is a trip to Toronto onWednesday for a few days to see Daughter # 1, my sister and then to Kingston to see Mum for a day or two. It will be the first time in many years that Chris and I have been together on her birthday - always a busy time at the end of the school year, but this year my school has wrapped up rather early, so it has all worked out!!
Anyway, I'm still tutoring daily and will continue throughout the summer, so I'm off to prepare for my next student as I feel the sun beating down on my back as evening approaches and as I listen to Springsteen, REM and The Cranberries in between the leaves rustling in the gentle breezes above.
